ESG have been involved in filling projects for over 20 years and from humble beginnings filling eroded farm paddocks and landscaping golf courses we are now involved in major backfilling projects for quarries, large scale residential developments and major capping projects for redundant landfills.

ESG is proud to share our new animated video explaining our environmental acceptance process. Click here to watch.

Erosion Repair

Over time natural elements can wear away at your valuable land causing severe property damage, loss of valuable soils and lost productivity of your land. Working with the property owner, ESG can provide effective property rehabilitation by removing available top soil, importing, placing and compacting fill material into the eroded areas and redressing with top soil. We can also address the source problem and inlay large rock baffles to slow water flows to minimise future erosion damage or we can address problem paddocks on properties where 4wd and tractor access is impossible due to the steep grades of the land.

Erosion Repair

Over time natural elements can wear away at your valuable land causing severe property damage, loss of valuable soils and lost productivity of your land. Working with the property owner, ESG can provide effective property rehabilitation by removing available top soil, importing, placing and compacting fill material into the eroded areas and redressing with top soil. We can also address the source problem and inlay large rock baffles to slow water flows to minimise future erosion damage or we can address problem paddocks on properties where 4wd and tractor access is impossible due to the steep grades of the land.

Quarry Works

Redundant Quarries pose a long term management risk for the quarry owners. The Earth Solutions Group has significant experience in rehabilitating redundant quarries and ensures their rehabilitation is undertaken and carried out to a design and management plan in a professional and efficient manner. Our management team will liaise with all stakeholders including DPI, Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants to ensure all agreed upon outcomes are achieved. The intended future land use will ultimately determine the manner in which a quarry is filled. However, whether it is for parklands, domestic housing, commercial buildings or “open spaces” all future uses can be accommodated. The full suite of Earth Solutions Group resources, experience and capabilities will be on hand and on the ground to deliver a first class result.

Quarry Works

Redundant Quarries pose a long term management risk for the quarry owners. The Earth Solutions Group has significant experience in rehabilitating redundant quarries and ensures their rehabilitation is undertaken and carried out to a design and management plan in a professional and efficient manner. Our management team will liaise with all stakeholders including DPI, Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants to ensure all agreed upon outcomes are achieved. The intended future land use will ultimately determine the manner in which a quarry is filled. However, whether it is for parklands, domestic housing, commercial buildings or “open spaces” all future uses can be accommodated. The full suite of Earth Solutions Group resources, experience and capabilities will be on hand and on the ground to deliver a first class result.

Development Projects

Earth Solutions Group has formed core alliances with major fill generators and Melbourne's premier fill transporter. With over 400 trucks on the road moving up to 40,000m3 of fill per day, the EPH Group has the capacity to meet your project requirements. Coupled with our highly qualified and experienced plant and equipment operators it's no surprise that Earth Solutions Group are more than able to cater to the diverse needs of every project from sourcing appropriate material, to transport and final placement and compaction of material to specification. Earth Solutions Group’s strategic focus ensures that your development project will be completed to exceed you expectations, on time and on budget.

Development Projects

Earth Solutions Group has formed core alliances with major fill generators and Melbourne's premier fill transporter. With over 400 trucks on the road moving up to 40,000m3 of fill per day, the EPH Group has the capacity to meet your project requirements. Coupled with our highly qualified and experienced plant and equipment operators it's no surprise that Earth Solutions Group are more than able to cater to the diverse needs of every project from sourcing appropriate material, to transport and final placement and compaction of material to specification. Earth Solutions Group’s strategic focus ensures that your development project will be completed to exceed you expectations, on time and on budget.

Environmental Management

Earth Solutions Group is the industry leader in environmental management and compliance for clean fill sites. We understand the importance of protecting the environment and human health and have invested extensively to further develop environmental policy and procedures to ensure that our clean fill sites operate in line with current EPA Guidelines (including EPA Victoria’s new General Environmental Duty (GED) Laws commencing 1st July, 2021). Earth Solutions Group ensures its stringent clean fill policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated for an industry leading standard in environmental compliance and awareness. In addition, our clean fill sites are routinely audited by third party environmental consultants. These measures ensure that we are protecting landowner assets as well as the environmental legacy inherited by future generations.

Environmental Management

Earth Solutions Group is the industry leader in environmental management and compliance for clean fill sites. We understand the importance of protecting the environment and human health and have invested extensively to further develop environmental policy and procedures to ensure that our clean fill sites operate in line with current EPA Guidelines (including EPA Victoria’s new General Environmental Duty (GED) Laws commencing 1st July, 2021). Earth Solutions Group ensures its stringent clean fill policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated for an industry leading standard in environmental compliance and awareness. In addition, our clean fill sites are routinely audited by third party environmental consultants. These measures ensure that we are protecting landowner assets as well as the environmental legacy inherited by future generations.

Please be advised, the Soil Declaration Form must be completed before materials can be accepted.

Complete Soil Declaration Form

**This soil declaration form will be valid until three months after approval.

Complete Soil Declaration Form